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Philosophy Of The Secrets Of The Self (Asrar-i-Khudi)

The Secrets of the Self is a book that include philosophical poem rooted in metaphysical thought and ideology, as well as Islamic theology that published in 1915. The poem speaks of the “Self” in relation to the universe, how it is the inner power and soul of each individual human.

The Secrets of The Self Quotes

“Arise and pour pure wine into my cup,
Pour moon beams into the dark night of my
That I may lead home the wanderer
And imbue the idle looker-on with restless
And advance hotly on a new quest
And become known as the champion of a new
― Muhammad Iqbal, The Secrets of the Self: A Philosophical Poem 1944

“He is no mean poet, and his verse can rouse or persuade even if his logic fail to convince. His message is not for the Mohammedans of India alone, but for Moslems everywhere: accordingly he writes in Persian instead of Hindustani—a happy choice, for amongst educated Moslems there are many familiar with Persian literature, while the Persian language is singularly well adapted to express philosophical ideas in a style at once elevated and charming.”
― Muhammad Iqbal, The Secrets of the Self

Read More: Allama Iqbal Quotes

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