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Teacher appreciation Poems | Funny Teachers Poems

These Teacher Appreciation Poems collection features poems to say thank you to our Teachers. These poems to say thank you, together with teacher appreciation gift ideas, are perfect for Teachers’ Day and school fundraisers.

Teacher Appreciation Poems
Teacher Appreciation Poems

Inspirational Poems to Say Thank You

A Teacher Affects Eternity

Your teaching affects eternity
Where your influence ends you’ll never know
And the lessons that you teach today
Stay with us as we grow

Your teaching affects eternity
My heart knows this is true
So for all I’ll be tomorrow
Today I’m thanking you


Thank You for Bringing Out the Best in Me

You bring out the best in others
You brought out the best in me
The results of all your efforts
I hope are plain to see

Your care and your dedication
Always shines right through
So teacher with my heart and soul
I want to say thank you


Thank You for Saying No to Bullying

He once was a bully
He loved to fight
You taught him that
It was not right

You shamed him in
The nicest way
And showed him how
He’d have to pay

You said that karma
Won’t be nice
If he continued
With this vice

You gave him a
Piece of your mind
You taught him ways
He could be kind

You even cut
Him down to size
You helped him to

You taught him words
That he could use
And to avoid
Words of abuse

You showed him ways
He could express
So he’d avoid
An awful mess

You showed him that
When life got tough
He could avoid
Such nasty stuff

You said he was
A kinder soul
And should respect
The greater whole

You helped him see
A better way
Thanks and thanks
Is what I say


Preschool Teachers Funny Poems

Distraction In The Classroom

Some boys forget their mom’s words,
they leave for school in a mad rush
with uncombed hair looking like nerds;
in the classroom they have a crush.
Liz, their teacher, wears tight jeans,
they can’t concentrate on the test;
she’s happy for attracting the teens,
their girlfriends notice their unrest.
They hate their beautiful teacher,
but her vulgarity makes them sneer:
her character isn’t worthy of cheer.
When paper planes start a warfare,
Liz’s hair seems a style so rare;
all the boys laugh: it is a snare.

By Andrew Crisci


Ode To A Gym Teacher

Ode To A Gym Teacher

Amid brassiere and derrière
She strives to put her clothes on.
Her panties there, stockings here
The rest of it, she throws on.

At the mirror, shining bright
She struggles with her powder.
She holds her place with main and might
As others try to crowd her.

How can she dress so nimbly
In but five minutes of an hour?
The question’s answered simply:
She did not take a shower.

By Barbara Dickenson


The Red-Faced Sunday School Teacher

The Red-Faced Sunday School Teacher

The Sunday school lesson she must teach
Jesus to Lazarus inside his tomb did reach

About the great love it did take
From death his friend to awake

So to be sure to reach the childish heart
A question asked prior to the lesson start

“Who can tell what “resurrection” does mean?
A little girl to answer seemed to be very keen

“I’m not exactly sure, but I know one main thing.
If it lasts more than four hours, to a doc you bring.”

The teacher stammered and her face turned red
She was unable to reply to what the child said

From the room, she carefully slipped away
“As teacher I resign,” to the pastor she did say

By Elton Camp


Read More: Thank You Teachers Poems

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